Saturday, August 29, 2009


So it would be great to always post positive, happy-go-lucky, life is just peachy blogs-- but let's face it not all adventures are. Why might you ask is the title of this post "holes"? Well, because I never could have imagined how frustrating holes can make a Saturday and how much they popped up. It all started early this morning, we got home from a friends house watching the never ending Packer game to find a portion of the basement torn up. See our dog Lacy has issues with thunderstorms and we didn't realize it was going to storm so we didn't take any extra precautions before we left. Well, some how she managed to move the dressers out that are against the wall, tear up part of the carpet in the process, pull the sheet off the pack and play, unsnap the diaper holder from the pack and play and puncture a few HOLES in the not anxiety ridden dog proof mesh in the side of the pack and play. All and all though she could have done more damage, I figure we can find a way to patch up the HOLES. Well, then today a took a second look and found more on the back of the pack and play. It's not ruined, but for safety reasons we will have to patch it up. Some of you may think get rid of her, but really she's only destructive like that when it storms. So now we realize she is probably going to need to be kenneled when we leave, storm or no storm. It's not safe for her and I just don't have the tolerance to have anything else damaged (this is not the first time, she is truly the girl version of Marley). But, like kids for every temper tantrum there are many cuddles, kisses, and a forever non-judging companion.

Anyways, so that was the start of the Saturday HOLE saga. Meanwhile, Danny is trying to change the door knob on the baby's room (it randomly locks, yet the knob doesn't have a lock, weird) and other doors in the house to match, only to find out that the HOLES are not the right size for any door knob you can find on the market today. He is now on his third trip to Home Depot to return the second set of knobs that said "guaranteed to fit". This is extremely typical of our house, nothing is guaranteed to fit.

Then to try to feel better and finish the baby's room I put the mattress pad and the sheet on the crib. We put the bumper on yesterday, so it's exciting that the room is almost done. Well, low and behold a HOLE in the side of the pad and found one on the bumper. Well, the pad one doesn't really matter it's not visible and we'll just have to be careful, but the bumper you can see and could be very inviting for little fingers, so we'll have to patch that too. Yes, returning it is probably smarter, but I love this set and it's discontinued (at least I got it for more than half off), not to mention I have everything washed, the valances are up, the diaper holder is packed, so for me returning is not an option.

We're giving up on our projects for a while now to go listen to some live music. Maybe the HOLES will stop haunting us and we can get on with our Saturday.

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