Saturday, August 8, 2009


Welcome to our family blog! I figured this would be a good way for everyone to keep up on what is going on in our lives as our family expands. I'm new to this so just bear with me.

Seven weeks to go and we still don't know if our little one is a boy or girl (by choice). Last night as I was laying on the couch, having my regular what are you trying to tell me by your movements baby conversation, I decided to nickname our baby "Lumpy". The movements are so big and strong that I have quite the lumpy belly at times. So maybe my name should be Lumpy, but I'm trying to come up with an alternative to "it". Actually maybe mine could by "Bumpy" since I certainly have one big, oblong, watermelon of a bump attached to my midsection. Then we could be Bumpy and Lumpy. I will post pictures soon if I can figure it out.

Enjoy our new blog!

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