Sunday, August 16, 2009

Feeling Blessed

Well, I had all the best intentions of posting this past week of posting at least once, but the week ended up way busier than I planned. I finished my summer school teaching on Thursday. Funny, in before I started the ten weeks I really wondered if I would make it through, go into labor way early or just be to tired to do it. But all in all most days were great. Finished with a bang outside for an entire afternoon preparing for the kids play performance. They did an amazing job in their ten minute play or maybe better called skit. But it was all them and it was really cool to see their confidence and pride in their work!

So why am I feeling blessed, well I've been feeling pretty blessed the past 8 some months, but there was just quite a bit this week. First, Danny was gone on a work trip for a few days and I had a lot of time to reflect on how much I am blessed to have such a wonderfully amazing husband and future father to our baby! What he has been to me during this pregnancy is more than I can ever put into words. For me, this has been the most amazing process for our marriage. I can't wait to continue to grow closer as our family grows!

I also have amazing co-workers. They through me a shower and gave us our car seat, which was one baby item we couldn't do with out. Some also gave us their own little gifts. I wasn't expecting any thing. It was just so nice. I hung out with some of the girls last night and I just feel pretty lucky to have met so many wonderful people through my job! I have to admit, while going out pregnant isn't so bad (aside from hearing some dude at Genna's tell his friends to ask me if I'm pregnant, it's like "what do you think? of course I'm pregnant and yes I'm at a bar which there's nothing wrong with because no I'm not drinking"), I am pretty excited to have a girls night minus baby and daddy can have a daddy baby bonding night!

Finally, I had a wonderful shower yesterday (my first shower was too, but this blog wasn't started then, so I don't want to seem like I'm excluding that one, my sister blew me away and everyone was so creative and generous). I am so thankful to have amazing in-laws (it seems that can be rare). It was so nice to see some family and friends that I don't see very often. I have a bedroom full of gifts that I just feel so grateful for. It's really amazing to feel so much genuine love in one day! I'm looking very forward to unpacking it all and then having Molly over to help settle.

And aside from these specific events I just really feel blessed to have all the people in my life and most importantly God too (it's amazing when I'm feeling stressed how much better I feel if I just say a prayer). About six weeks to go. Today made it seem very real. We toured the birthing center and even got to see a brand new born baby. My eyes started to water as I watched the admiring dad thinking that is going to be us very soon!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that I got to know you too, Maureen! Thanks for coming out for my birthday! I'm so glad you came out even though you are VERY prego! :) I wish you all the luck in the world with your first baby- I can't wait to hear the news! And tell Molly that she was fun to hang out with too! You DO have good in-laws!
