Sunday, September 13, 2009

Premier of Baby Coyle Coming Soon

Well, we only have two weeks left to our due date (though the doctor said any time now would be fine for the baby, I'm hoping sooner than later!). The last two weeks since I posted have surprisingly flown by. Despite not working I have kept busy getting stuff ready and on days when I need it relaxing. I'm not very good at doing that days in a row though, so I always hope if I have a rough day that the next one will be full of energy and for the most part it has.

For the most part things are still going really well, other than I'm fairly miserable at night, I'm feeling good! Our hole problem, at least the major one with the baby's door knob, has been solved. Leave it to my dad to have a door knob lying around that fit! Last weekend we had a blast taking some last trips out of town (not willing to chance it any longer, I don't want to have the baby out of our HMO, gotta love insurance) to the Brewer game and my family reunion. Danny got to carve a pig that was roasted and milk a cow. I think farming might be in his blood, come on Farmer Danny, how perfect is that.

Today there has been some serious cleaning and organizing going on, mainly by Danny. I think he is nesting too. They say nesting is a sign of early labor, I've been doing it all along but hmmm, I wonder if spousal nesting means the time is near :) We still don't know if we are having a boy or a girl (and won't until the baby is born) and have not officially narrowed down the girls names. We've decided from this point on to keep any top girl names a secret, though here's a hint one of them is in the name of a song that a Brewer player bats to. That's not why we picked it, we were simply enjoying a late night conversation about names on the deck the other night and both liked it. It seems for me whatever we pick may just end up being what's on the top at that moment. Each time I add a new name they all seem to shift downward for the girl choices.

Well, the Packer game is about to start. I have said all along it would be a great distraction to start early labor during a game. I don't think it's going to be tonight though.

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