Friday, September 18, 2009

Last of the Bump Pics and Nesting

So, I've been nesting from like day one, but it seems to be changing and I'm pretty sure Danny is too. I've been pretty exhausted, out of breath and having back pain the past few days and since I'm not able to do as much physical, my nesting seems to have turned into mental. I have been feverishly researching vaccines, having second thoughts on whether I should interview another doctor for our baby since we only met with one, have three books all of which I got tonight, one on vaccines, one on breastfeeding and one on "babyproofing your marriage" and I have this urgency to read them all by the end of the weekend. I guess that's just what happens when you can't physically nest. Actually I've kind of been mentally nesting this entire pregnancy too. I've never been much of a researcher when it comes to choices, but suddenly I've done a 180 and literally get obsessed with it, fortunately each obsession only lasts a short period and I move to the next. On a less crazy note, I have taken up crocheting and am working on crocheting a baby cocoon. So far it's taken the shape of a beanie, but it's coming along. Thanks to Deb for being patient in teaching me, and likely finishing the cocoon if I go into labor.

Last baby bump picture taken 9/18. Definitely lower!

August baby bump.

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