Saturday, August 29, 2009


So it would be great to always post positive, happy-go-lucky, life is just peachy blogs-- but let's face it not all adventures are. Why might you ask is the title of this post "holes"? Well, because I never could have imagined how frustrating holes can make a Saturday and how much they popped up. It all started early this morning, we got home from a friends house watching the never ending Packer game to find a portion of the basement torn up. See our dog Lacy has issues with thunderstorms and we didn't realize it was going to storm so we didn't take any extra precautions before we left. Well, some how she managed to move the dressers out that are against the wall, tear up part of the carpet in the process, pull the sheet off the pack and play, unsnap the diaper holder from the pack and play and puncture a few HOLES in the not anxiety ridden dog proof mesh in the side of the pack and play. All and all though she could have done more damage, I figure we can find a way to patch up the HOLES. Well, then today a took a second look and found more on the back of the pack and play. It's not ruined, but for safety reasons we will have to patch it up. Some of you may think get rid of her, but really she's only destructive like that when it storms. So now we realize she is probably going to need to be kenneled when we leave, storm or no storm. It's not safe for her and I just don't have the tolerance to have anything else damaged (this is not the first time, she is truly the girl version of Marley). But, like kids for every temper tantrum there are many cuddles, kisses, and a forever non-judging companion.

Anyways, so that was the start of the Saturday HOLE saga. Meanwhile, Danny is trying to change the door knob on the baby's room (it randomly locks, yet the knob doesn't have a lock, weird) and other doors in the house to match, only to find out that the HOLES are not the right size for any door knob you can find on the market today. He is now on his third trip to Home Depot to return the second set of knobs that said "guaranteed to fit". This is extremely typical of our house, nothing is guaranteed to fit.

Then to try to feel better and finish the baby's room I put the mattress pad and the sheet on the crib. We put the bumper on yesterday, so it's exciting that the room is almost done. Well, low and behold a HOLE in the side of the pad and found one on the bumper. Well, the pad one doesn't really matter it's not visible and we'll just have to be careful, but the bumper you can see and could be very inviting for little fingers, so we'll have to patch that too. Yes, returning it is probably smarter, but I love this set and it's discontinued (at least I got it for more than half off), not to mention I have everything washed, the valances are up, the diaper holder is packed, so for me returning is not an option.

We're giving up on our projects for a while now to go listen to some live music. Maybe the HOLES will stop haunting us and we can get on with our Saturday.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So I have been soooooo busy getting things done. One of those things was taking maternity shots, I have wanted to do this since before I was pregnant, crazy I know. Well with four weeks to go I panicked yesterday and got us in today. Danny was such a trooper, not to mention a really good looking Dad! I intended to post more but I'm so excited about the maternity pics we just took that I decided I'll post more of my thoughts again tomorrow! Here are some of our favorite pictures.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Feeling Blessed

Well, I had all the best intentions of posting this past week of posting at least once, but the week ended up way busier than I planned. I finished my summer school teaching on Thursday. Funny, in before I started the ten weeks I really wondered if I would make it through, go into labor way early or just be to tired to do it. But all in all most days were great. Finished with a bang outside for an entire afternoon preparing for the kids play performance. They did an amazing job in their ten minute play or maybe better called skit. But it was all them and it was really cool to see their confidence and pride in their work!

So why am I feeling blessed, well I've been feeling pretty blessed the past 8 some months, but there was just quite a bit this week. First, Danny was gone on a work trip for a few days and I had a lot of time to reflect on how much I am blessed to have such a wonderfully amazing husband and future father to our baby! What he has been to me during this pregnancy is more than I can ever put into words. For me, this has been the most amazing process for our marriage. I can't wait to continue to grow closer as our family grows!

I also have amazing co-workers. They through me a shower and gave us our car seat, which was one baby item we couldn't do with out. Some also gave us their own little gifts. I wasn't expecting any thing. It was just so nice. I hung out with some of the girls last night and I just feel pretty lucky to have met so many wonderful people through my job! I have to admit, while going out pregnant isn't so bad (aside from hearing some dude at Genna's tell his friends to ask me if I'm pregnant, it's like "what do you think? of course I'm pregnant and yes I'm at a bar which there's nothing wrong with because no I'm not drinking"), I am pretty excited to have a girls night minus baby and daddy can have a daddy baby bonding night!

Finally, I had a wonderful shower yesterday (my first shower was too, but this blog wasn't started then, so I don't want to seem like I'm excluding that one, my sister blew me away and everyone was so creative and generous). I am so thankful to have amazing in-laws (it seems that can be rare). It was so nice to see some family and friends that I don't see very often. I have a bedroom full of gifts that I just feel so grateful for. It's really amazing to feel so much genuine love in one day! I'm looking very forward to unpacking it all and then having Molly over to help settle.

And aside from these specific events I just really feel blessed to have all the people in my life and most importantly God too (it's amazing when I'm feeling stressed how much better I feel if I just say a prayer). About six weeks to go. Today made it seem very real. We toured the birthing center and even got to see a brand new born baby. My eyes started to water as I watched the admiring dad thinking that is going to be us very soon!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Baby Bump Pics

So many of you who don't see me very often or maybe not at all since I've been pregnant have been requesting baby bump pics. Here are a few that span months, so you can see the progression. I've been very fortunate that this pregnancy has been good to me. I eat what I want and have stayed in a very normal weight gain range. Right now when I look in the mirror it looks as if there is an oblong, flesh toned watermelon attached to me the long way. The baby will begin to put on about a half a pound a week. Stay tuned to see how things grow!

Date night in Mexico, April 13, 2009. About 16 weeks.

On the beach in Mexico, April 13, 2009. Yes that is a maternity suit and yes I plan to wear it when non-pregnant too.

The bump is growing, May 24, 2009. About 22 weeks. I decided from here until the baby is born each month I would take a picture in the same shirt. We'll call this the Bump Chronicle. Scroll down to see the results. And stay tuned for more, maybe we'll go weekly the last month.

Same day different shot.

Brewer Game, May 30, 2009. It looks like I'm practicing for labor, but really I was just laughing hard.

Bump Chronicle 2. June 21, 2009. About 26 weeks.

Our first Anniversary out to dinner at Restaurant Magnus. The belly might look bigger because I just ate a delicious meal :)

Bump chronicle number 3. July 25, 2009. About 27 weeks.

On our way to a friends wedding, August 1, 2009. By the way that's not a maternity dress and I'm so excited to wear it with leggings in the fall. Gotta love the empire waist trend!

With my friend Julie on my birthday, August 6, 2009. About 32 weeks.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Welcome to our family blog! I figured this would be a good way for everyone to keep up on what is going on in our lives as our family expands. I'm new to this so just bear with me.

Seven weeks to go and we still don't know if our little one is a boy or girl (by choice). Last night as I was laying on the couch, having my regular what are you trying to tell me by your movements baby conversation, I decided to nickname our baby "Lumpy". The movements are so big and strong that I have quite the lumpy belly at times. So maybe my name should be Lumpy, but I'm trying to come up with an alternative to "it". Actually maybe mine could by "Bumpy" since I certainly have one big, oblong, watermelon of a bump attached to my midsection. Then we could be Bumpy and Lumpy. I will post pictures soon if I can figure it out.

Enjoy our new blog!