Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Before my Baptism in Mommy, Aunt Kristina and Uncle Tony's Baptismal gown.

I'm Mommy and Daddy's favorite present.

Daddy, I don't want to be Santa Clause.

Mommy, I'm not a girl! (this was the outfit he would have worn if he were a she like we thought)

Love this shot.

He sure makes us smile.

Kick. Kick. Kick.

Loves looking around on the activity mat.

Sleeping in his favorite position in bed.

At Alt N Bach's for Grandpa's 60th
Well, Danny's studying with Murphy conked out on his lap, so I figured I would take some time to post some more pictures. Amazingly the downloading went really smooth. Also, it's snowing like crazy so I'm pretty much cooped up tomorrow too, so I have some spare time at least as far as being at home is concerned. I realized the most difficult part for me about having a baby is that I'm not very good at just staying home and relaxing. In fact today is probably the first day I haven't gone out in a long time and even then I walked to the gas station near our house to buy a magazine. Whether Murphy is with me or at home with one of his other adoring family members, I'm just not good at being home. I have to say I did kind of enjoy being forced to do it today and tomorrow, so maybe it will catch on.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Two Month Update- It's Been A While

So it's been just about two months since I last posted. Not really surprising since we have a little one. Well many of you know the first month was pretty busy. We dealt with going to the doctor every day since we came home for the first week because of Murphy's jaundice. Then at his two week appointment he was still at the weight he dropped to (6 lb 15 oz), so I was a little stressed about feedings. Then he started gaining weight and we thought we were finally settling in and getting used to being parents when they suspected he might have a protein allergy. He was having very long crying spells. I completely changed my diet cutting out nearly everything for like three weeks. Then after about a month every thing just got a smooth as could be with a little baby. He started just waking once a night, was spreading out feedings, smiling and playing more. Maybe we as parents were just more comfortable. We also watched the Happiest Baby on the Block and followed it pretty religously. So the last four to five weeks have just been great. Murphy loves to smile, kick, talk and look all around. We now don't think he has an allergy either, just at times needs a little more attention (he still has to be swaddled arms in or won't sleep longer than 10 minutes). So you can see why I might not have had time to post the first month, but the second month was a lot smoother, however I managed despite having a one month old to really fill up my schedule-- out of town welcome Murphy shower, surprise party for my dad, putting our house up for sale, rehoming our cat, dealing with a sick dog, Thanksgiving, advent event, family Christmas, Baptism, and all the little things that go along with those.

I'm going to post several pictures to give you a glimpse of the last two months. Hopefully now I can try to post regularily. (oh yeah, our camera tends to freeze when I download and I have to convert pics to thumbnails first, so that sometimes prevents me from posting due to frustration). These pictures are from October to mid-November starting with the most recent. I need to download pictures from then until now, but the camera froze the computer so I decided to just post the ones I already had on. Will hopefully add more recent ones tomorrow.

First trip to the zoo, enjoying a snack with Nana.

In mommy's hat and sweater getting ready for a walk.

Mommy and Murphy in our hats.

At Murphy's welcome baby shower on the Manowske side.

Mommy's little tiger.

A pea in a pod (this picture looks just like Danny at this age).

A very common expression of Murphy's especially the first six weeks.

Cuddling with Daddy.

First time in the carrier (trying to find anything to keep him happy).

A trick or treat trip to Daddy's work.

Cozying up in the boppy.
First Packer game after the big Oct. 5 game.

First walk.

Go Pack!

A tired mommy and Lacy.

A tired Daddy checking on Murphy.

Little glow worm.

Swaddled with the billi light.