Friday, October 9, 2009

Welcome Home Murphy

Murphy, mom and dad came home from the hospital on Wed. 10/7 in the afternoon to a nice suprise of decorations and gifts put together by our loving families! Mom started "balling" once dad turned near our street. The reality of our precious gift really set in! We got some lovely pictures thanks to our friend Roy which we are excited to share with you. The first night was to be expected but mommy and daddy tag teamed well. Murphy had his first visit to the doctor on 10/8 because his billirubin was elevated. He is now officially our little glow worm because he had to wear a blue fiber optic lit billi light and it makes our little angel glow even more! Today we found it he hopefully only needs it through the day! Yippee because it kind of keeps us camped out in his room. We are all doing really well and having lots of fun laughing at all the mishaps of being new parents, like how little boys pee all the time when you change them and lots of laundry for accidentally soiled clothes is just the way it is and how daddy fell asleep without realizing it while holding Murphy on the couch. We have lots of nick names all ready, but the one that seems to stick is Murpee, it's how Murphy's 2 year old cousin Jackson says his name and we just think it is hilarious. Well, that's all I have time for now, Murphy is in serious training to be a future eating contest champion (go figure, his dad loves that stuff)!

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